Filtered & Lightning protected connectorsfor HUD application
RF Immunity is proud to introduce a development of a new 100 pin circular military connector,
which includes filtering per, MIL-STD-461 and lightning protection per RTCA/DO-160E Section 22.
The connector is for use in HUD, Head Up Displays, for military & civil avionic systems.
The filtering includes 3 capacitance levels, 440pF, 3.6nF & 20nF, according to the pin allocation
from the customer. In addition there are ground pins & pins without filtering.
The customer defined the lightning protection levels per RTCA/DO-160E Section 22,
Waveform 3 & Waveform 4, for specific pins in the connector.
To accommodate the filtering together with the lightning protection array, a unique square shaped
box was designed to be attached to the back part of the connector.
The size & shape were defined by the customer based on the location of the connector in the HUD system.
The new filtered & lightning protected connector is designed to comply with the strictest military environmental conditions